Monday, June 20, 2011

Bye bye Blogspot

Today, I imported all my Blogger posts to my Wordpress account. If you ever bookmarked or subscribed or cared at all, my new blog is now at

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun with MATLAB

There's not enough frivolity in engineering. MATLAB helps out.

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>> why
The bald and not excessively bald and not excessively smart hamster obeyed a terrified and not excessively terrified hamster.
>> why
To fool the tall good and smart system manager.
>> why
The rich rich and tall and good system manager suggested it.
>> why
He wanted it that way.
>> why
The programmer suggested it.
>> why
Barney suggested it.
>> why
To please a very terrified and smart and tall engineer.
>> why
The tall system manager obeyed some engineer.
>> why
To satisfy some programmer.
>> why
Damian wanted it that way.
>> why
Can you rephrase that?
>> why
Because Damian wanted it that way.
>> why
How should I know?
>> why
Because they asked the terrified and smart and tall and tall programmer.
>> why
To fool a young tall hamster.
>> why
For the love of a bald and terrified mathematician.
>> why
It's your karma.
>> why
Some terrified and rich system manager knew it was a good idea.
>> why
Don't you have something better to do?
>> why
He suggested it.
>> why
A terrified and good and not very rich engineer helped the bald programmer.
>> why
To fool some kid.
>> why
I obeyed the tall and young system manager.
>> why
Bill insisted on it.
>> why
Some smart kid wanted it.
>> why
To please some very good bald and rich mathematician.
>> why
Loren knew it was a good idea.
>> why
A tall and good and not excessively rich and bald and very smart and good tall and tall and terrified and rich and not very terrified and smart and tall and young hamster insisted on it.
>> why
To please some tall tall system manager.
>> why
To please a hamster.
>> why
To please some rich engineer.
>> why
Some mathematician suggested it.
>> why
It should be obvious.
>> why
The good kid told me to.
>> why
To please some system manager.
>> why
You suggested it.
>> why
A good and not excessively bald young programmer told the rich hamster.
>> why
Cleve obeyed some not very young and rich hamster.
>> why
Bill asked some not very good very rich programmer.

Repeat ad infinitum.

I don't know about you, but I found this hilarious.
The help documentation for it was amusing too.

>> help why
 WHY    Provides succinct answers to almost any question.
    WHY, by itself, provides a random answer.
    WHY(N) provides the N-th answer.
    Please embellish or modify this function to suit your own tastes.